Bordeaux, France 12 - 16 Oct 2020

Workshop on Structural Biophysics

Biophysical techniques allow capturing the mechanisms during the interplay between biomolecular entities on a scale ranging from the size of an atom (atomic structure, assembly mechanisms, protein-protein, protein-DNA, protein-lipid interactions) to the mesoscopic size of complex cellular objects (ribosomes, organelles, large macromolecular buildings, etc.).

This workshop proposes to make an inventory of the latest technological advances and provides a theoretical and practical training on the main techniques of structural biophysics. It also aims at introducing integrative methodologies.


EM and cryo-EM

Solution and Solid-state NMR


Mass spectrometry


Molecular Modelling 


Workshop format

5 days of intense biophysical workshop at the charming Bordeaux site !

The workshop aims at providing a solid technological and methodological background to post-doctoral fellows, PhD students, research scientists and engineers for each technique and to demonstrate the power of each and the complementarity of the techniques.

Since places are limited we will select on the basis of CV of the candiate.

poster session will provide the perfect opportunity to communicate around science.

The workshop language will be english or french, as requested by the candidates.



Theoretical Courses

EM - Rémi Fronzes (MFP / IECB), Yaser Hashem (Inserm / IECB)

NMR - Birgit Habenstein (CBMN), Bruno Kieffer (IGBMC)

Mass spectroscopy - Corinne Buré (CBMN)Stéphane Chaignepain (CBMN), Valérie Gabelica (IECB)

Molecular modelling - Benjamin Bardiaux (Institut Pasteur), Edouard Badarau (CBMN)

Spectroscopies -  Sophie Lecomte (CBMN), Isabel Alves (CBMN), Galya Staneva (IBPhBME-BAS)

X-Ray -  Axel Innis (ARNA / IECB), Laurent Terradot  (IBCP)


Practical Sessions

EM - Armel Bezault (CBMN), Marion Decossas (CBMN)

NMR - Axelle Grélard (CBMN / IECB),  Estelle Morvan (IECB)

Mass spectroscopy - Frédéric Rosu (IECB)Eric Largy (UB / IECB),

Molecular modelling - Benjamin Bardiaux (Institut Pasteur), Edouard Badarau (CBMN)

Spectroscopies -  Isabel Alves (CBMN) Sabine Castano (CBMN), Sandrine Villette (CBMN)

X-Ray -  Axel Innis (ARNA / IECB), Brice Kauffmann (IECB)




May 7th 2020

Registration FREE  for CNRS employees (postdoc / PhD / researcher / engineer)



Scientific Coordinator: Birgit Habenstein 


Administrative Coordinator: Patricia Dulor


Registration Coordinators: Nadia El Mammeri and Mayara Lucia Del Cistia

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